Start the new year organized! Modern and minimalist, these FREE printable 2021 monthly calendars have a lovely script and large dated squares, perfect for planning. PDF and landscape formatted, the calendars are ready to print and customize. Use for scheduling appointments, bill paying, and more!

Happy New Year 2021, friends! The beginning of January around our home involves a lot of cleaning, decluttering, and organizing. Part of organizing for me involves new calendars. I love calendars and planning. Who is with me on this?

I decided to make my own calendars this year, that I could print and use for several purposes, AND I wanted to share them with you! They are free and printable with a lovely script and plenty of room to write. I made these calendars super simple and clean with large squares for writing and planning, yet modern and stylish. Also, because they are minimalist, they don’t waste a lot of ink to print.
These are ideal calendars for me to use for bill paying. I print, three-hole punch, and put them into a binder. The pocket in the binder holds all my current bills to be paid and I use the large squares to record what bill is due on that date and the amount. And, voilà! My own custom bill planner!

Since the calendars are simple with plenty of room to write, you will be able to make a custom planner, too!
These calendars do not include any holidays. Even so, you may write in the holidays, if you prefer. See this list for 2021 holidays and observances in the US.

If you love to plan, be organized, and prefer a paper calendar for jotting down information, you will love these printables!
How to Download the Printable 2021 Monthly Calendars:
- Scroll down and click on the link or image below for each month.
- Download and/or print calendar.
- Enjoy and plan away!

I hope you’ll enjoy these printable 2021 monthly calendars as much as I do. I’d love to hear how you’ll use them in the comments below!

Enjoy these calendars for 2021! Happy New Year!
Many blessings for the year ahead!

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